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Monday, November 28, 2011


   Today was a very good day. Not every other day has been particularly bad, it’s just that today was a good one. Even after a sleepless night I felt good and was on top of my game at work. Nothing bad happened and no bad news hit the doorstep. The new normal is starting to fit better and I am concentrating on the things that I need to do. I am rarely dwelling on things that may happen or could’ve been. I hope this trend continues.
   Overcoming personal loss or some big change in your living status is tough. For me it seemed tougher than it should be. I had been comfortable and set for so long I did not even consider the fact that something like this could happen, but it did. I have learned some good things about myself and through introspection I have also learned I have some weaknesses. I have a plan to deal with both. I will overcome the weaknesses, correct them, work on them until they become strengths and I will remember those strengths that carried me through and maintain them, call on them again when I need them.
   One key to the strengths is having close relationships with people around you other than your family. The best and most enduring relationshps are generally family relationships and in my case that is the rule. My family has been a rock for me, although all of them have their own issues to deal with. My relationships with others outside the family circle are the safe harbor I have needed, friends who know you, want nothing from you and will just listen while you wail away about how crappy your life is. These are the relationships we need as well.
   We cannot just withdraw from the world because of some minor setback. We still need to get out there and be amongst fellow humans, for if you asked the first five people you met in one day they could probably share a story of woe worse than yours. My point is we are not alone! All around is a bounty of people who genuinely care. People who may not be able to change your situation, or improve it, but they can certainly make you feel better about it. These are my greatest gifts this season, people. I will be amongst them during the holidays and I will try to give rather than take, as I start over, over 50.

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