Life has a strange way of putting us in places that make it seem like more than serendipity is at work. We find ourselves down and out with seemingly nowhere to go and no one left to rely on and the next thing you know you are in a better place with people around you that care or have always cared and you just did not notice. Events happen around you that make you re-think what you may have planned and lead you off into new directions. I have feared change all my life. Stability was all I ever craved and wanted and yet it seems just when I had reached that point something happens to send me reeling off in unknown direction towards an unknown destination.
I guess stability is all in how you look at things. What may seem stable to me is chaotic to others and sometimes I have known people whom I thought had a stable existence only to find out later their lives were total chaos. I guess it is a perception issue. What we perceive in ourselves and in others is rarely ever the reality. I think it is a human trait to see things as stable and solid when really all around us the universe is in a constant state of flux. Things change in the blink of an eye. Good fortune and misfortune smiles, or craps on all of us sooner or later and usually at times when we are not prepared for either one.
Right now it appears to me that some sort of stability is returning. I work, I come home, I see the kids, visit family and so far I have reestablished a small circle of friends and most importantly I am doing something worthwhile. While I still grieve for what was I am letting go a little bit at a time and I am realizing that one chapter of my life is over and new one has begun. The problem for me is that I have no idea where this one is going. This time I am alone as I step forward and while it frightens me I am grateful. This time my mistakes will have less of an impact on those around me and most of the things I do have the greatest impact on me and not everyone else.
I wish had a map, a compass, or some sort of directions that would tell me when to keep forging ahead, when to be cautious, and when to stand still for a minute, but I do not. I have my common sense, a life time of experience, and a trust and love for my fellow man that I think will serve me well. I know I cannot please everybody, and many people may disagree with my choices and direction, but I have to keep living my life now. I will keep doing what I think is right and when I err I will correct it. When I hurt someone I will make amends and when someone needs it I will lend a hand. It is going to be a long journey that much I can see from where I am, but I believe in the end it will all work out the way it is supposed to and I am but a player in the big game of life. However, I am not on the sidelines anymore. I am back in the game…a starter, as I start over, over 50.