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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's Never Too Late

     First I have to admit I am a little cautious, having never let my thoughts hang out in the ethereal wind of the www makes me a bit nervous. I have always been cautious about social media and all my life I was taught my business is my business. However, in an effort to make sense of where I am and where I am going I am taking a stab at the cathartic process of baring my soul if you will, in an effort to help me make sense of what happened, and what is happening and maybe to help others in the same predicament. I cannot be the only one who for whatever reason has found themselves suddenly and without warning, at least a warning I recognized, without a job, outside of the warmth of the family unit, at an age when most men and women are looking towards enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of labor and searching.
   I was married a little later in life and have three beautiful little children ages 5 and 8 one that is 27 from a previous marriage. I had a home, a career that seemed safe and opportunities were presented to me that made it appear I could write my ticket to whatever heights I wanted to reach. In a matter of 2 months, I call it the "Summer Massacre of 2011" I lost all that I had, or rather I let it all slip away. I stood there flatfooted as divorce charged down the tracks and left me in the classic one bedroom apartment of the divorcee, without the woman I had loved for 16 years and becoming a "part-time" dad. It's the classic cliche now. We've all seen it, many of us have lived it more than once. So starting today I am going to make an effort to chronicle my return to life for lack of a better phrase. I have always defined myself by my job and my place as a husband and father. I am still a father, again "part-time" it seems, and no longer a husband.
   In the coming months I hope through this I can make some sense out of what happened and my role in it and document my return, or my rebirth, if you will and find my way back to being part of something. I welcome comments, suggestions and criticisms. I realize I had a role in all that has happened and now I have the lead role in anything else that comes my way. So at the age of almost 53 I start a new journey towards new beginnings and hopefully a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim! I'm going to ride along a little on your journey, if you don't mind. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life", and "when one door closes another one opens"...don't you just love cliches? However, these two actually do work time and time again, so I hope they might ring true for you.
