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Thursday, August 7, 2014

   Today is another new beginning and I think I have decided to add a more practical twist to this endeavor for me and for any one else who may find it useful. When you reach my age, the downhill side of 50, there are some things that need to be taken care, examined and put in order. Not that I am anticipating an untimely end it is just that I know that sooner or later the inevitable will occur. The law of the land complicates our advancing age, retirement and our ultimate final goodbye to such an extent that it is incumbent upon us to make things a little easier for those who may have to tidy up our affairs.

   The first to consider, I would think, is what we can do for ourselves as we age. Retirement, as much as some of us cannot imagine it we have to prepare for the time when we stop producing an income. Hopefully this has been planned for well in advance. I approached it this way, first I sat down and made a list of very place I had ever worked. I have worked at a lot of places. Most larger companies have solid retirement plans so there may be money left out there for you to tap into. Some larger corporations had, or may still have a plan called an Employee Stock Option Plan, ESOP that the company contributed to on your behalf. There are other types of plans well. If you ever worked for the Federal, or State and Local Government there are the Federal Employees Retirement System, or FERS and Public Employee Retirement System, or PERS. Using the internet is the quickest way to check out all of these places to see what you may have out there. You may have to sign up, or create an account, but after that checking what may be there is a breeze. One other thing I would do is make a list of every location you have ever lived and check the online registries for unclaimed funds. From old bank accounts to unclaimed tax refunds as well as money left to you by some long lost relative, there may be something out there.

   After you have that knocked out the other thing to consider for the present is your health. Do you have health insurance? Can you get health insurance? Again hopefully this has been taken care of in advance as well. If not, there are options. If you have ever served in the military trot down to your nearest Veterans Health Administration facility and register to see what benefits you may qualify to receive. Whether or not you ever served in combat, or were wounded, or injured during your tenure is not relevant. Do not assume you are not eligible and if you need the resource make use of it. I have and have found the health care I receive at my facility to be first class. Some of it I have to pay for and some is and can be billed to your insurance carrier if you have one. There are also state and federal programs such as medicaid and medicare, or even the Affordable Care Act. Again see if you need it and see if you qualify. You never know until you check and do not let your pride be the reason you suffer a lingering illness before you pass as this may place an undue burden on those closest to you.

   The last thing to do I would think is to prepare for the day you will ultimately leave this life. First a living will, or advance directive is essential. This document spells out how and who will make medical decisions when you are unable to do so. This can be simple, or complicated, it is yours so spell it out exactly the way you want it to be. Mine is rather simple. Mine simply says "give it a minute". This means do not be hasty in pulling the plug, if there is a small window of hope, give it a minute before yanking the plug. Again these are your wishes so spell them out clearly and designate someone you can trust to carry them out. Your last will and testament will spell out how you want what you leave behind dispersed. Remember you will be dead so be unconcerned what your heirs will think of you. Trust me, you will not be in a position to care. Designate a responsible person who you trust and leave your things to whatever person, persons, or entity you choose.

  These are just some of things to get in order as we move forward in life. The position I am in requires changing a good bit of this. One thing I have found that in doing these things is I have returned a sense of control over my own destiny and a sense of accomplishment in knowing that I am taking care of myself and those that are dear to me. These things are necessary so do not approach them lightly. Seek professional help, such as a lawyer and/or anaccountant. You would not enter an operating room without a surgeon, do not dabble in the law without a trained and certified professional either. You will rest easier knowing these things are done. I know I am as I start over, over 50.


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