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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

   Recent news stories have prompted me take a look at humor. Websters has a few definitions for humor, some if which are a little disturbing, but in a general sense it is defined as the ability to be funny or to be amused  by things that are funny. when listing some of the more desirable qualities in a mate people often list a sense of humor as being very important. We are always encouraged to have a sense humor. A sense of humor means to have the ability to recognize humor when we see it. Being able to make someone laugh is a gift and many women choose a man that makes her laugh before they choose one based on looks.

   Being able to laugh at the things around us that are funny has the ability to turn a bad day good. Seeing the irony in a situation sometimes makes it easier to understand and deal with. Some of the more notable phrases that deal with the effects of humor on our well being include the often used "laughter is the best medicine." Studies show that laughter actually improves our over all well being. It triggers the release of certain hormones that promote healing, and allows us an escape from some of the more negative aspects of a situation or event.

   We must however be able to distinguish between the ability to make someone laugh from the perceived notion that in being able to do so then that person is happy. Too often the ability to make others laugh is a self defense mechanism used to hide some deeper personal pain. Just because I can point out irony, and the humor around myself and others in life does not necessarily make me happy. Masking pain and distress with jokes and humor is only a temporary fix. As much as I enjoy making others laugh I love to laugh myself. I enjoy comedy over almost any other form of entertainment and for me it is an essential part of my life.

   How many times have we met someone that just cannot seem to laugh or be amused at the absurdity of things? Instead they become angry, distressed and respond with phrases like, "that's not funny, it's just stupid." While they may be right, something can be stupid and funny at the same time. We must realize however, that the things we find funny do not appear that way to others. For example I find myself cringing more than laughing at some of the ridiculous antics of people that while silly and foolish are not really funny. I rarely if ever laugh when someone commits a faux-pas in public that is embarrassing such as falling, tripping etc.

  All that being said I constantly search for things to make me laugh. I have a number of Three Stooges dvds that provide many hours of laughter. I never miss a chance to watch one of my favorite comedians perform and I find pleasure in the ridiculous puns some of my acquaintances come up with. We should use humor for a good purpose. I try to shy away from humor as a mask or shield and instead embrace it as a curative measure for my inability to remain grounded and happy. Humor gives us a break from the grind of every day life and allows us respite from strife and struggle. Take the time to find some humor today. If not in the situation find manufactured humor to allow an escape. Study the subtle sarcasm of Bugs Bunny, or the in your face antics of Tom and Jerry. Lighten up and take a break for minute. You will be better for it and for a time will be able escape to a better place. I vow to laugh today no matter what it takes and find the humor I need to feel better and stay grounded as I start over, over 50.

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